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Enzutamide after Aberaterone

Posted 15 Jul 2024 at 19:24


Can those with Advanced Prostate cancer have enzalutamide after Aberaterone and Chemotherapy? 

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine...... 

Posted 16 Jul 2024 at 01:32

Hello Annie,

The NHS won't pay for Enzalutamide (or Apalutamide or Daralutamide) after Abiraterone stops working. They say that when one of these stops working, the others won't work either.

Chemotherapy can be used again if it worked last time and the patient is well enough. There is also a second chemo drug which is sometimes used.


Posted 16 Jul 2024 at 08:21

Hi Annie 

I mirror what Andy said enzalutamide will not work after you have had abiraterone but there are other chemo options available,if you have had docetaxel, cabazitaxel is a second line chemo normally offered by the NHS.

Good luck regards Phil 

Posted 16 Jul 2024 at 10:11

Hi Andy & Phil 

Thanks for the reply. He is on chemo at the moment. He had his 3rd cycle two week ago and is due his next one next week. But he was quite poorly with the last one and more concerning is,it seems to have affected his sight. 

We see his oncologist Monday so will see what she says. 

Thank you 😊

Edited by member 16 Jul 2024 at 10:12  | Reason: Not specified

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine...... 

Posted 16 Jul 2024 at 17:02

Sorry to hear this.

Has he seen an ophthalmologist too? I haven't heard of chemo doing that, although it can affect nerves.

Posted 16 Jul 2024 at 22:01

Hi Andy,

Yes, he didn’t link it to the chemo at first and so optician arranged emergency eye appointment. They didn’t think it was a concern just an age thing. It was pretty mild at this time ( just after 1st cycle) but after the last one it got really bad so obviously he’s now very scared of losing sight in that eye and has since seen two more opticians.

We are seeing oncologist Monday so will see what she says. 

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine...... 

Posted 17 Jul 2024 at 08:04

Hi Annie 

Sorry to hear this,I to have not heard sight being a side effect of Docetaxel,I have my 10th and final session today,the last few sessions I've started to have slight numbness and pins n needles to feet and hands all the other side effects have been the norm ie... fatigue,headache,bone ache,body hair loss,weight gain,loss of taste and a pain in the neck for my wife.

This sight problem could be a terrible coincidence and like me you automatically think "it's the chemo causing it" and it may be an altogether different issue.

All the best Phil 

Posted 17 Jul 2024 at 10:33

Morning Phil,

We have spoken about whether it could be a coincidence. He had a cataract removed from that eye last year and Optician said it can happen apparently with chemo. 
Trouble is whether it’s coincidence or not it’s scared the daylights out of him. 

The third cycle hit him quite bad with side effects although this time we kept the pain in his spine under control ( ended up in hospital with severe back pain after 1st cycle, they thought he had a spinal compression). Must have just been the cancer kicking back. 

I read your bio and followed your thread well done to your wife getting through 9 cycles 😊 good luck for your 10th. 

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine...... 

Posted 17 Jul 2024 at 11:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I mirror what Andy said enzalutamide will not work after you have had abiraterone

I said that NICE says they won't work when one has already stopped working.

The evidence from other countries is that's not quite correct. I spoke with an oncologist who practices in the UK and the US, and he said that in about 20% of cases, serial use of Abiraterone and Enzalutamide in the US does continue working for longer. It's also easy to try to see if the patient is in the 20%, and you can stop quickly if it isn't working.

The NICE decision to allow only one of these to be used with any patient was on the basis of cost. However, this dated back to when Abiraterone was very expensive (no longer is due to patent having expired), although NICE haven't ungraded their guidance in the light of it being much cheaper now. Enzalutamide patent expires in the UK in 2028. It expires in the US in 2027, and some generic Enzalutamide medications already have FDA approval to launch from the expiry date in the US.

I would not expect serial use of Enzalutamide, Daralutamide, and Apalutamide to give any benefit as they all work the same way. However, Abiratrone works slightly differently.

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