I had an Orchodectomy for Teratoma and Seminoma in 1974, aged 19, followed by 6 weeks of abdominal radiotherapy. I was told I might survive for 5 years or so if I was lucky. Also, no question of becoming a father.
I've had two lots of lymphatic secondaries with two laparotomies for removal of lymph nodes (some of which were stuck to my aorta) and some heavy duty chemotherapy in the mid 1980's which brought its own lasting effects.
Over time the Radiation Enteritis has got worse and I've spent more time in the toilet than any other room in the house! The pain, urgency and colicky short fuse warning of impending diarrhoea has been the ruin of many a day. My wife, Diane has been incredibly understanding, empathetic and supportive.
Imagine my scepticism when I read on line of someone who shared the simplest bit of advice I've ever read!
He too has Radiation Enteritis and his Thai neighbour suggested that he have a small bowl of tapioca pudding for breakfast to help his condition. Yeah. Right. But, what had I got to loose? I remembered Frog Spawn from school and in a good way.
I got a bag of small tapioca pearls and followed my mother's recipe to make some. 3 oz tapioca pearls, 1 oz demerara sugar and 1 and a half pints of milk. Which I've since changed for Oat drink (milk). Cook it up till it's thick and the pearls are translucent. I keep my bowl in the fridge as there's enough for a week of small breakfast portions. I heat it up each morning in the microwave for 1 minute.
Within a week my symptoms had improved! I'm now three months into my tapioca breakfast and have added a pro-biotic drink to help keep my gut flora steady and... wait for it.... my bowels are the best they've been for years! I no longer have a Loperamide for dessert, I have normal bowel movements, I have very little pain or colic and I'm now in good enough condition and bowel health to have BRT next week and a second round on 2 September. I'm very hopeful of not having the side effects I'd been contemplating.
Some research on tapioca revealed that it has a high concentration of long chain fatty acids that reduce inflammation. Inflammation caused by Radiation Enteritis has, in my own and the guy on the forum's cases, that has been reduced by what I can only describe as an amazing amount. I still get occasional flare up - usually by eating a trigger food I can't resist, but almost no colic or pain.
So, I decided to chuck my personal experience out for others to try. If it brings just one more person relief then I've done a good thing in passing this on. It might not be so dramatic a result with everyone but, give it a try if your life is being made miserable by Radiation Enteritis.
By the way, I'm not selling anything, I won't gain by others giving it a whirl. I'm a retired NHS Nurse and College Lecturer with a firm background in health including teaching diet and nutrition. I had a healthy scepticism which my own experience has dispelled. I'd be interested if others find it works for them. I've recently come across tapioca flavoured with Pandan Leaf which is rather pleasant. Oh yes, 50 years on and I've got four children, 9 grandchildren and a great grandchild. My Oncologist thinks I might be the 'last man standing' of my cohort of 1974.
Edited by member 17 Aug 2024 at 10:49
| Reason: Misspelling.