Hi Steve
I opted for RP as well, and had my surgery a month ago. It is not as bad as you build it up to be in your head.
I was diagnosed as 3+4=7, T2. After surgery I was found to be 3+4=7, T3a, as it had broken through the capsule.
I was concerned about all of the side effects, but just wanted the thing removed. It turned out I made the right call as it was growing quite quickly by the look of things. I also now have the backstop of RT/HT if it returns, which as T3a, I know there is a higher risk this may happen.
Continence is an issue, and there's no point pretending otherwise, but it is manageable, and I know it will get better. The issue with RT apparently, is that you can also suffer incontinence from your rear end, which I found a far more daunting prospect.
ED is clearly going to be an ongoing problem. Again, I consider this a relatively small price to pay for not having an aggressive cancer growing inside me any more.
The OP itself is nothing to worry about. I woke up to a bit of discomfort, but nothing that the pain relief they give you couldn't deal with. As for the catheter, it's an inconvenience, but nothing more to be honest. I was dreading it's removal, but in the event it took seconds and I didn't feel a thing.
Good luck mate, and keep us posted with your progress.