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PSA going up from 1.2 to 10?

Posted 20 Aug 2024 at 14:34

I'm a prostate cancer wife trying to support my gorgeous husband through metastatic prostate cancer, Gleason score 9.

He is on HT injections (since Feb 2024) and Enzalutamide (since May 2024). Yesterday we found out his PSA has jumped from 1.2 to 10 in 7 weeks. A follow-up blood test and CT has been scheduled for 4 weeks time.

I guess we thought we had more time until the HT stopped working... trying not to freak out, but could this be a 'bump in the road' and PSA will go back down? Or are we heading for chemo? Not sure anyone can answer me definitively, but has anyone experienced an unexplained rise in PSA for the level to drop again?

Posted 15 Sep 2024 at 11:59

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I booked a holiday. It is in 4 weeks time - sea front, self catering, wheelchair friendly and 2 hours away from home. Do you think it is okay to say to the oncologist that we really need this?

Yes let the consultant know. They may be able to work treatments around it and get chemo started beforehand, but you probably shouldn't delay any treatments. Obviously, he'll only know at the last minute if he feels like going, so don't talk it up so much so that a cancellation or early return seems like a big let-down.

Posted 19 Sep 2024 at 19:58

Hi Jacqui2024,

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband and how the cancer has progressed. I can’t offer any advice I’m afraid, but I wish you both all the best and I hope you enjoy your holiday.



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Posted 20 Aug 2024 at 16:47

Hi Jacqui2024,

Like your husband, I am a Gleason 9. I have been on HT injections since I was diagnosed just before Christmas 2021. Starting in 2022 I went through chemo and then RT. More recently, my PSA began doubling every few months and I have been prescribed Apalutamide. After one month on Apalutamide my PSA dipped from 11.89 to 2.43. I am hoping for another significant dip at my next monthly review.

Everyone is different but, for me, my current meds seem to be working. If it's any comfort, although not pleasant, chemo was not a hideous experience and initially it shrunk my PC 'significantly'.

I hope this helps, and all best wishes for good news from the next scan and blood test.

Posted 24 Aug 2024 at 11:48

The jump is so high in such a short period of time that I would suggest that it may be something else going on such as an infection so definitely raise this with the nurse/consultant.
Typical PCa behaviour seems to be a doubling in 2-3 months when it's active.
Not ruling out PCa being the cause but is not a rate of increase that I can recall having occurred on these forums unless infection was involved.
Good luck!
Posted 24 Aug 2024 at 14:06

I am assuming he still has his prostate. Did they get the right antibiotics for the UTI. Could it still be a UTI or another UTI. 

Thanks Chris 

Posted 15 Sep 2024 at 10:46

Thank you for the replies. George is T4N1M1b, gleeson score of 9, age 57.

We had a follow up chest abdomen and pelvis CT on 31st August and were due to get repeat blood tests on 11th September, with an oncology follow up on 19th September.

Unfortunately on 2nd September George broke a rib from laughing, and on 5th September the left side of his face stopped moving. We were advised to go to A&E where George was diagnosed with Bells Palsey from skull mets pressing on his facial nerve. We left the hospital at midnight on 5th September and by 9am on 6th September we had a call from from his oncology team to get to the hospital. George has undergone 5 days of radiotherapy to his skull. The oncology team have been awesome - we have an appointment scheduled for 19th September to discuss how far the cancer has spread and where we go from here. Safe to say we are scared, anxious and just overwhelmed. I think when the oncologist says " I am so sorry this is happening to you so fast", this is not a good sign.

I though we would have longer on the Enza and George would be stable for a while, so I booked a holiday. It is in 4 weeks time - sea front, self catering, wheelchair friendly and 2 hours away from home. Do you think it is okay to say to the oncologist that we really need this? 

Posted 15 Sep 2024 at 10:54

So sorry to hear this. I hope you have some better news at your next review and can enjoy your holiday.

All good wishes.

Posted 15 Sep 2024 at 11:59

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I booked a holiday. It is in 4 weeks time - sea front, self catering, wheelchair friendly and 2 hours away from home. Do you think it is okay to say to the oncologist that we really need this?

Yes let the consultant know. They may be able to work treatments around it and get chemo started beforehand, but you probably shouldn't delay any treatments. Obviously, he'll only know at the last minute if he feels like going, so don't talk it up so much so that a cancellation or early return seems like a big let-down.

Posted 19 Sep 2024 at 18:44

We saw the oncologist today. PSA up from 10 to 19 in four weeks. The cancer is progressing in the bones, but lungs and liver are clear. Enzalutamide is being stopped as it's not working, and chemo is starting in 5 weeks (10 sessions). This should give George's body time to recover from the radiotherapy last week; for the Enza to 'wash out' of his system; and lastly for us to go on holiday 😀. 

Posted 19 Sep 2024 at 19:58

Hi Jacqui2024,

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband and how the cancer has progressed. I can’t offer any advice I’m afraid, but I wish you both all the best and I hope you enjoy your holiday.



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