Yesterday, (19/08/2024) my partner who is 59 and black received one letter telling him he has a PSA of 174. The other letter was an invite to a bone scan. I went with him to the bone scan today. We have another week to wait for the results. I'm not coping but have kept my feelings to myself. I keep having the feeling of rising panic and a tightness across my chest. Im just wondering if anyone can give me any advice... My other worry is that my partner who is a Rastafarian is very mistrustful of conventional medicine. He would not have Covid injections and was not happy about having radiation injected into him to have the bone scan. I'm concerned how this will bode for future treatment that may be necessary. He believes in self-management, herbs, teas, electric food and is a follower of Dr Zebbi. Anyone else out there experiencing the same or who has any advice.