Hi Anthony
We are so sorry to hear your diagnosis so similar to my husband, both of you with a relatively low PSA Gleason 8 4+4 my husband T4.
Regarding chemo my husband doesn’t have much hair so didn’t consider the cold cap. He’s had 3 infusions so far with 3 to go and has lost some hair from his head and also some body hair.
During the infusions he eats grapes and they bring him tea and biscuits. The staff are so lovely. He hasn’t had any sickness or metallic taste but takes the ‘bed and breakfast’ meds as prescribed. Initially after the infusion he’s wiped out and very tired. There is a risk of severe constipation during this first week so taking a mild laxative daily may prevent this. His oncologist recommended this. My husband learnt the hard way. He didn’t take them as needed to visit his end of life Dad, this lead to severe and painful constipation followed by days of the opposite which was debilitating. This happened on his first 2 infusions. On his 3rd he took the daily laxatives and avoided it. Everyone is different but I hope this will help avoid it for you.
From day 10 your immune system is most at risk of infection so we have avoided Grandchildren with colds and so far he has not picked anything up. Important to have a thermometer nearby in case your temperature goes over 37.5.
We go away at the end of week 2 in our Motorhome for a few days which lifts our spirits and gives us both something to prepare for and keep us busy. My husband feels well enough to do this. The steroids cause immense hunger which is hard to control! Once back it’s the countdown to the next infusion.
The hot flushes are the worst symptom they were not as bad on bicalutimide but worse on injections and worse again on chemo. The lowering of the psa goes hand in hand with worsening of the hot flushes. Libido zero on chemo but wasn’t as bad before so hope for some return after chemo but not being too hopeful.
We have great support from friends and family which helps a great deal although we also have our dark thoughts when things crop up like Chris Hoy for example, which puts us in touch with the reality.
I hope some of this is helpful the infusion is not as bad as we thought so we hope it all goes well for you on Tuesday. My husband back for his 4th on Monday.