Flow problems mean that a prostatectomy would have the additional advantage of sorting those out too. Conversely, radiotherapy (particularly brachytherapy) might make flow issues worse during treatment, although that's resolvable with a catheter. However, a prostatectomy with a T3a G9 diagnosis is the highest risk of recurrence needing salvage radiotherapy. If he's T3b,* they won't offer surgery.
If you go for radiotherapy (and hormone therapy), they would usually fix the flow problems first, because fixing them afterwards has a higher risk of damage to urinary continence. However, with a T3 G9 diagnosis, they might not want to wait to do that unless they can fit it in immediately as you start on the hormone therapy.
You don't have the full diagnosis yes, and in particular, it's very significant if it's T3a or T3b * which you haven't said. This means there are pros and cons for both, and not an obvious winner. Make sure you talk with both surgery (prostatectomy) and oncology (radiotherapy), and compare what they both recommend.
I would certainly ask oncology about HDR Boost, which is a combination of external beam radiotherapy and high dose rate brachytherapy, which in my view is a good fit for many T3{a or b} G9 cases, and can even cope with a little bit of N1 (one or two local lymph nodes). It can optionally include radiotherapy to all the pelvic lymph nodes at a low prophylactic dose to kill off any micro-mets (mets too small to show on any scans) which have already got into pelvic lymph nodes which is a significant risk with T3 G9. HDR Boost is only done at the large radiotherapy treatment centres, so you might need referring somewhere else for that treatment. If your centre doesn't do, the oncologists there might not know much about it, but you can ask for a second opinion from a centre which does. If there is more extensive N1, then they would probably treat it all with external beam radiotherapy.
*T3a means broken out of the prostate or significantly bulging the prostate, but not grown as far as other organs. T3b means grown into seminal vesicles.
Edited by member 08 Sep 2024 at 14:23
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