Hi, I’m 7 sessions into Docetaxel chemo treatment. Diagnosed locally advanced back in January 2018, aged 63.
Had HDR Brachy plus Radiotherapy mid 2018, and a couple of years of HT . Recurrence almost immediately and tried out different HT drugs which didn’t work and eventually Abiraterone which didn’t work either. Spread to lymph nodes in upper chest first then to spine, rib and hip. Obviously incurable now.
So now on Docetaxel chemo treatment. 7th session yesterday and got a list of full blood test for this time and the previous one. First time I’ve seen these.
PSA going down albeit slowly. Now at 12.37 , last time and the one before was 13.3 and the time before was 18.
But one that stood out was Alkaline Phosphates. Last time reading was 126 which is within limits. This time it’s gone up to 239 which is quite a jump and is flagged. I made the mistake of Dr Googling and a couple of hits say possibility of chemo resistant mets showing up.
So anyone out there with some knowledge of these readings who can shed some light and put my mind at rest ? I have 4 weeks before my next Consultant meeting F2F.
I saw my consultant 2 weeks ago and he’s taken me off the daily steroids which I was well pleased about. So only on the dexamethasone for 3 days either side of the chemo.