Mike, I share your frustrations, as I have had the occasion of bedwetting since my surgery 27mths ago. I have tried everything from the ridiculous to the obscure in an attempt to find a solution. My issue commenced not too long after surgery and I thought it would sort itself out. Here we are almost 2.5yrs later, still have to wewear a tena 1 pads to sleep.
I do my kegel exercise daily (well most days) and I find my bed time incontinence is worse if I don't or skip it for a week. Also avoiding carbs e.g. rice ensures I have a dry night and don't wake up to urinate. Another thing I tried is not eating or drinking any fluids minimum 6hrs before my bedtime and ensuring I urinate before bedtime. I noticed if I sleep (by not lying down) by sitting up, I don't sleep too deep, I am usually alert enough to wake up to empty my bladder. I really don't know what went on during my surgery to cause this unusual condition. I also noticed I could go for hours without the need to empty my bladder, however it is a different kettle of fish if I am lying down (awake), I could go 2ce in 3hrs. As for the timing, there is no pattern, I have fallen asleep at 10pm and woken up at 1am, and everywhere is flooded!