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Bed wetting after 10 month

Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 07:25

10 months since radiation treatment finished , 6 months more of HT and ashamed to say some nights I have started to wet the bed .It tends to wake me up like a dream , get up and use the toilet properly with no problems. 

I wear a pull up at night which prevents problems with beding,  I am very embarrassed about this and wondered if anyone has similar. 

I urinate fine and normally in the daytime. 

Mike .


Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 17:29

Hi Mike, that happened to me after salvage radiotherapy. It came as a bit of a shock. Mine started after about 4 months and occurred occasionally, every few weeks or so. The episodes gradually got further and further apart and less in quantity. It probably took around a year to go away. I still wear a small pad at night just to be on the safe side. I hope you get over it quickly.

Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 15:17

Mike, I share your frustrations, as I have had the occasion of bedwetting since my surgery 27mths ago. I have tried everything from the ridiculous to the obscure in an attempt to find a solution. My issue commenced not too long after surgery and I thought it would sort itself out. Here we are almost 2.5yrs later, still have to wewear a tena 1 pads to sleep. 

I do my kegel exercise daily (well most days) and I find my bed time incontinence  is worse if I don't or skip it for a week. Also avoiding carbs e.g. rice ensures I have a dry night and don't wake up to urinate. Another thing I tried is not eating or drinking any fluids minimum 6hrs before my bedtime and ensuring I urinate before bedtime. I noticed if I sleep (by not lying down) by sitting up, I don't sleep too deep, I am usually alert enough to wake up to empty my bladder. I really don't know what went on during my surgery to cause this unusual condition. I also noticed I could go for hours without the need to empty my bladder, however it is a different kettle of fish if I am lying down (awake), I could go 2ce in 3hrs. As for the timing, there is no pattern, I have fallen asleep at 10pm and woken up at 1am, and everywhere is flooded!

Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 16:07

Absolutely. Sadly, it does not get the attention because it is atypical. I have spent a small fortune on buying incontinent pads as I use them daily, some nights I wake up to change it. I worry even now about going away on holidays as, I might wet their beds, it is a constant concern. The only thing that seems to work is avoid carbs, no food or drink 5-6hrs before bedtime and the kegel exercise. I hope and pray you do not have to go 2.5yrs before a solution is found.

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Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 10:07

Hi Mike.

I'm sorry that you've got a problem during the night. During my treatment I've had so many 'shameful and embarrassing incidents' that I've lost count. I had one pint too many in the pub yesterday and got a heavy damp patch on my jeans. I tried to dry off in the gents. I was gyrating my hips, like Tom Jones on speed, under the hand dryer. When a bloke came in and wondered what the hell I was doing.

I know that a few blokes on here have had a similar issue to you, however, I think most of them were following surgery.

Hopefully they'll post and help out.

Good luck mate.

Edited by member 27 Sep 2024 at 11:53  | Reason: Typo

Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 11:50

Thank you mate , yes that does help , thank you.

I have taken to wearing pull up inco pants for bed which give peace of mind and not always needed .

I enjoy a beer but try to limit intake now to a couple and perhaps a gin and lime .

I guess some will say have none but I do enjoy a decent pint .

Many thanks 


Edited by member 27 Sep 2024 at 11:55  | Reason: Insert missing word

Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 17:29

Hi Mike, that happened to me after salvage radiotherapy. It came as a bit of a shock. Mine started after about 4 months and occurred occasionally, every few weeks or so. The episodes gradually got further and further apart and less in quantity. It probably took around a year to go away. I still wear a small pad at night just to be on the safe side. I hope you get over it quickly.

Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 18:10

Thank you very much , reassuring to hear it happened to others and even more reassuring the problem may be come less overtime.

Thank you very much





Posted 27 Sep 2024 at 22:39

Happened to me last night. I'm 5 weeks out from RP and have been doing really well during the day to a point I'm only wearing pads now when I go into the office. I had also been sleeping in a pad until 2 nights ago. I thought I was staying dry overnight so I decided to try going padless for bedtime and then...I was changing the sheets at 2am this morning ☔️🙄 . Now I'm wondering if maybe I have been leaking a bit overnight all along and just didn't realize it because the pads were absorbing it? Question now is, how to ween myself off them. Oh well, two steps forward, one step back. Just happy to be alive.

Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 15:17

Mike, I share your frustrations, as I have had the occasion of bedwetting since my surgery 27mths ago. I have tried everything from the ridiculous to the obscure in an attempt to find a solution. My issue commenced not too long after surgery and I thought it would sort itself out. Here we are almost 2.5yrs later, still have to wewear a tena 1 pads to sleep. 

I do my kegel exercise daily (well most days) and I find my bed time incontinence  is worse if I don't or skip it for a week. Also avoiding carbs e.g. rice ensures I have a dry night and don't wake up to urinate. Another thing I tried is not eating or drinking any fluids minimum 6hrs before my bedtime and ensuring I urinate before bedtime. I noticed if I sleep (by not lying down) by sitting up, I don't sleep too deep, I am usually alert enough to wake up to empty my bladder. I really don't know what went on during my surgery to cause this unusual condition. I also noticed I could go for hours without the need to empty my bladder, however it is a different kettle of fish if I am lying down (awake), I could go 2ce in 3hrs. As for the timing, there is no pattern, I have fallen asleep at 10pm and woken up at 1am, and everywhere is flooded!

Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 15:35
I didn't have surgery but had RT and HT either way it is disappointing for people to be having long term problems with this .
Posted 28 Sep 2024 at 16:07

Absolutely. Sadly, it does not get the attention because it is atypical. I have spent a small fortune on buying incontinent pads as I use them daily, some nights I wake up to change it. I worry even now about going away on holidays as, I might wet their beds, it is a constant concern. The only thing that seems to work is avoid carbs, no food or drink 5-6hrs before bedtime and the kegel exercise. I hope and pray you do not have to go 2.5yrs before a solution is found.

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