I have said to put me on AS. Essentially I see this as buying me a few months time to research all treatment options.
I feel ill disposed towards AS because:
a) it’s only as good as the ‘active’ testing at the correct time and the right tests. I’m wary that I would get an annual MRI scan for instance.
b) the cancer might spread unknowingly in the meantime.
c) the initial biopsy grading could be wrong ( as others point out after prostatectomy histologies).
d) if I have surgery now, then there is a much better chance of a cure.
e) it is better to have surgery whilst younger and fitter.
f) I run the risk of getting other health conditions on the meantime that may prevent treatment options.
g) staying on AS will mess with my head.
h) I’m the sort of person who if something needs to be done i.e. treatment - surgery or RT, then it’s best to get on and do it.