I would like to share my experience of a trial I have just completed at Bedford Hospital and was wondering if anyone else took part - and what they thought of it. The trial had over 200 men, like me on surveillance.
My PSA had been stable for a long time but started going up (from 5 - 9) more recently despite a healthy diet, lots of exercise, vitamin D and pomi-T etc. My MRI showed slight progression of my cancer (Gelason 3plus 4) but disease remained small according to the urologist.
Instead of going for radiotherapy I was offered this trial - I took this new capsule which had 6 different foods (the information sheet said a mixture of foods and extracts), I took it along side a probiotic. I had some improvement in getting up at night and urgency which I was very pleased with because despite tamsulosin i was getting up 3 time at night - now 1-2. My psa came down to between 6.5-8 and a repeat MRI was stable so I decided to stay on surveillance.
I am still not sure if it was the new capsule or the probiotic which helped - either way I am glad I entered the trial. The doctors said they will publish the trial next Jan