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Can’t stop worrying

Posted 28 Nov 2024 at 23:59

Iv just recently had two PSA tests 7.66 & 7.77

i have mri next Tuesday followed by app on Thursday. 

i also have lost 3 stone, night sweats, itchy legs arms/legs, quite a few lumps which itch, stomach pain, constipation and I get small areas of dull pains in legs arms, back and buttocks, feel sick, no appetite etc 

I know the above my not be PC but I’m worrying like crazy 🙁

Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 05:18

Fortunately your MRI is scheduled very soon, as others sometimes have needed to wait a month. Hopefully you will receive more information sooner than later and won’t be worrying for a month waiting for a scan. Try to look at this as getting to the answers quickly. This could be any number of things.

Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 07:45

Hi Julian,

It's not a nice place to be, waiting for tests and results. 

My PSA test was just part of routine bloodwork so the fact that it was slightly raised (3.9) was a surprise.  

The second one was up to 4.8 a few weeks later so MRI was advised. That's where you are now. The scan was easy, just a bit long as they took the series  of images they needed. They injected dye into my arm and you might feel the sensation of cold as it goes in but nothing more. 

I didn't get any results, just a call to say they wanted to do a biopsy. But don't let's jump ahead, your MRI might come back clear. 

Just take things one test at a time, don't overload yourself with information. 

The aches and pains and other symptoms are likely to be completely unconnected,  I had an itchy sore scalp and was concerned it might be connected (everything must be right?)

I changed my shampoo and bought some scalp oil and it's fine now.

Try not to worry until there is something to worry about. I'm usually pretty nervous about health issues but with this I'm strangely calm. My wife is more worried than I am and I have to support her more which is a first lol. 

Take care and keep in touch with your progress, as with many things just talking about it can help relieve pressure.


Posted 29 Nov 2024 at 08:09

Hi Julian.

Your PSA is higher than normal but that could be due to other non cancerous prostate conditions. Your other symptoms don't seem connected to PCa.

 I hope that they identify the cause and treat  your health problems and that you'll be feeling much better soon.

Good luck with your MRI. 👍



Posted 01 Dec 2024 at 03:43


Stress by itself (and this is definitely a stressful situation) can trigger all kinds of aches and pains.


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