You can read my profile but - in a nutshell - I first learned I had prostate issues as a result of a private MRI on 24th October 2023. I had no symptoms. I had just read a UCL study that suggested (at least to me if not my GP) that I might be well advised to have a scan. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 4th December 2023. I was Gleason 7 (4+3), T2a [which following both a PSMA PET CT & MRI scan became 'c'], N0M0, I had my RAPT on 27th March 2024. Happily all went well. The margins were clear and, amazingly, I've not had any noticeable continence issues. Just had my fourth PSA test and happily all remains 'non-detectable'.
Why I started this little strand is simply to say THANK YOU. Without the knowing support and guidance of so many on this glorious FORUM I would not have had the confidence to go through all of this as (relatively) peacefully as I did and to come out the other end with my pride maintained. All of you have been Godsends in my regard. The best thing of all is that - now - I actually rarely think of prostate cancer in my day-to-day life. I would not I think have got here if it weren't for YOU.
A simple thank you can often seem insubstantial in the larger scheme of things, please know this one is heartfelt.
Just saying :)
Edited by member 30 Nov 2024 at 11:06
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