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Bladder control after salvage radiotherapy

Posted 05 Dec 2024 at 10:06

My husband finished six weeks of radiotherapy to the whole of his pelvic area three weeks ago. He had RALP surgery in April 24. After the surgery he was pretty much getting back to full continence, but since the radiotherapy has finished he has struggled with his bladder and needs to wee much more often, sometimes several times in the night. He hasn’t had any accidents but is scared of having one! The hospital said that he should regain bladder control 2 to 3 weeks after the end of the radiotherapy. Is this right? As he’s yet to see any improvement he’s worried that he’ll never regain the control he had before the treatment. Other than this issue, he has had very limited side effects. Thanks in advance. 

Posted 05 Dec 2024 at 11:10

Hi Mary, 

It seems that your husband has control over his bladder, I. e. he is not incontinent and that his problem is urgency. I finished six weeks of SRT six days ago and was warned of that problem. Currently, I am up two or three times in the night and have several urgent impulses during the day, but no accidents. I am told this may get worse over the next week or so before gradually improving. However, I was given no timescale as to when I may fully recover. 'We are all different' seems to be the mantra. Anyway, nothing to be concerned about at this early stage. It is not an indication that they missed the target or anything like that.

Best wishes to you and your husband. 


Posted 05 Dec 2024 at 11:41

Hi Mary, 

While it seems a bit of a setback, your husband's symptoms should subside over the next few weeks.

I had SRT (admittedly only 20 fractions) two years ago and I regained control of my bladder relatively quickly. I do however still occasionally get the sudden urge to pee, but I manage this quite easily by clenching my pelvic floor for a few seconds until the urge goes. Half an hour later I'll go to the toilet as normal. 

Hopefully this goes some way to reassure you. 


Posted 05 Dec 2024 at 21:10

Thanks for the replies - very reassuring. 

Posted 06 Dec 2024 at 20:47
I agree with others above, it is early days yet and things should improve.

But you have to be realistic. My experience is that continence has not been as good after SRT. As others say, the biggest problem is urgency incontinence. Pads are definitely part of my life, though not needed at night.
Posted 07 Dec 2024 at 09:35

thank you 

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