Hi David.
I'm very sorry that you've had to join us but welcome to the forum, mate.
Your PSA is quite high and the Likert score of your MRI suggests a very high likelihood of PCa. Were you given a provisional radiological cancer staging?
It's possible that the location of the suspicious area detected by the MRI, or your high PSA, triggered the bone scan request. Having said that, most of us end up having a bone scan somewhere along the line. Better sooner than later.
However, your elevated PSA and MRI scans are only indicators and can be influenced by other non cancerous conditions. We've had cases of high PSA and Likert scores that have not needed further treatment.
I know how worried you must feel, most of us have felt the same way. Waiting for results increases the anxiety. Most would agree that diagnosis, is the most stressful time. Once you're sure of the 'state of play', even if a further treatment plan is deemed necessary, you'll feel a lot more in control and secure, and can focus on getting better.
As for your shoulder pains. The chances are it won't be anything prostate related. I get bad pains in most of my joints, legs and lower back. They're all caused by arthritis which most of us old codgers suffer from. 🙂
Very best of luck mate.👍
Edited by member 27 Dec 2024 at 10:30
| Reason: Typo