hi,haven't posted for a long time, just thought I would ask is anyone in similar position to me,I have recently had 2 urine samples and there is protein in my urine samples, and there is bubbles in the toilet bowl when I pee so it looks like proteinuria so another problem along with my osteoporosis, and what's good for 1 is not good for the other, gp said the renal team said it looks like my higher b/p has caused it, I will be seeing my gp in the new year regarding food it's all confusing because what you have to cut out even protein and other stuff that I need for my osteoporosis, anyone else have this problem.
Hello radar,
Knowing your background, I did a search on renal damage and hypogonadism, and there are links. However, there are both benefits and risks with increasing Testosterone, probably mostly benefits in the case of being hypogonadal. This might give some weight behind getting TRT.
There's a long paper here (which I only skimmed some parts): Testosterone deficiency and chronic kidney disease
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