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Newly diagnosed - Confused

Posted 01 Jan 2025 at 23:36

Hi, my first time on here. Diagnosed New Years eve 31.12.2024 with grade 2, Gleeson 7 (3+4) PCA.

All went rather over my head once heard the diagnosis - felt rather pushed towards AS. There's an MDT meeting on Monday where further discussion will take place - I've only seen specialist nurse so far, not medic / consultant.

I'm 'only' 61 - and very fit - not sure I can cope with the anxiety of AS for years - logic says operate, remove - cancer gone!! - but I guess that's rather simplistic 

Not looking at or any specific advice - just wanted to offload to be honest and see what others think / similar experiences.

Thanks for reading




Posted 02 Jan 2025 at 01:17

Sorry your here, but as AS is being suggested you are probably not in too bad a place.

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

 - logic says operate, remove - cancer gone!! - but I guess that's rather simplistic 

No that is definitely not logic, that is emotion. A logical decision can only be made once you have all the information.

You need to know what the MDT team suggest once they have seen all your results. Then you need to consider each treatments chance of success (BTW they are probably all open to you and all equally likely to work).

Then you need consider the possible side effects, and accept you may get none or all and any combination thereof.

Then you need consider your lifestyle and risk tolerance. 

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

not sure I can cope with the anxiety of AS for years

That is a very sensible statement the good thing is you can try it for three months and see how bad it is.

Another sensible statement would be.

"Not sure I can cope with incontinence for years". Again you can try this by going down the pharmacy tomorrow and buying a large bag of incontinence pads, and try just pissing yourself for a week using the pads. Might seem a strange thing to do, but better to do it before the op, rather than be blindsided by it afterwards.

I can't immediately think how to simulate ED, maybe just drink five pints of beer each night. Or how to simulate radiation proctitis, maybe try a vindaloo each night.

You really shouldn't just rely on an emotional decision when at present you don't have enough information to make a logical one.



Posted 02 Jan 2025 at 13:42


I had a 127g (not average 35g) prostate and PSA of 27. Scaled back for size I was told it was 50/50 whether it had spread but I could choose RT or removal. I was told if I had RT I couldn't have it taken out later - but if I took it out and it had spread I could have salvage RT later.

Having just been left some property and with a highly respected surgeon 45 minutes away I went private and got it taken out within 3 months of initial GP appointment and PSA test. I would still have an enlarged prostate and urinary problems if I left it in situ. Other people choose the other course and are happy with the outcome.

I got lucky. 3 years on I have an undetectable PSA count. I occasionally use the smallest incontinence shield if I am being energetic. ED is still an issue but I can manage it. Cialis and Sildenafil gave me acid reflux, as it relaxes the oesophagus.

I have a supportive wife and family. I'm not obsessed with sexual health, just being alive. I am not restricted in anything I do. My father-in-law is 85 with 10 year post-diagnosis metastasis. He is on hormone injections and PSA 0.5!

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