Hi all,
Just looking for some advice as really worried!
Have had some problems with urination for 7/8 years now. Can be up 2/3 times per night but not every night. Can urgently need (mainly in the morning when I get to work) but again not every day. No problems with flow rate. No pain or burning. Went to doctor a couple of times over the years and got two different tablets for relaxing the muscle but didn’t make any difference. As it wasn’t really impacting my life I just left it at that.
I went to the doctor 6 weeks ago and was told I had a UTI. It was a new doctor so I mentioned the above symptoms and that they were ongoing. He told me to come back in 6 weeks to check my prostate.
I had the DRE on Monday and, whilst certainly not long, it took a bit longer than what he had initially said it would. When finished he said that my prostate was enlarged and that a bit felt abnormal. I think he said something about being able to feel each side or quadrant but I’ll be honest that my mind was racing at this point and I didn’t fully take it in. He also did use the terms “I think it will be ok” and “unlikely” when I asked if it meant cancer. But appreciate he can’t say for definite either way.
I was asked to go downstairs and do a blood test and provide a urine sample.
The doctor phoned me on Tuesday night and told me my PSA was 6. As I’m 42 he has referred me to urologist for an MRI.
Im trying not to worry but keep thinking the worst. I would be worried about the high PSA anyway but with the addition of the abnormal DRE I’m really stressed. I’ve read through a few of the posts on the site and can’t find any that mention high PSA and abnormal DRE.
No family history of cancer and I’m generally healthy. I did do a HIIT workout on the morning of the PSA as didn’t realise you weren’t supposed to exercise.
If anybody has any experience or advice on similar situation it would be really helpful. I’m really worried!
many thanks