Cheers Andy.
I rechecked the paper I see that it has not been peer reviewed, perhaps ironically, as it involves testicles, it's a load of b*ll*cks. 🙂
I know the op removes the plumbing to produce semen, and that we can no longer ejaculate but my consultant and ED nurses definitely call the disability 'dry ejaculation'
I had a vasectomy decades ago so my Vans Deferens has been out of action for years prior to my prostatectomy. 🙂
Kev, you mentioned never checking your coital urine. 🙂 I have never been so in tune with the state of my pee. Since the op I've been peeing much more at night.
I was disturbing my good lady so much with nocturnal toilet visits, that unfortunately, we now sleep in separate rooms. Even then, as we have squeaky floor boards, I use a urinal bottle, to save my toilet trips waking her. So at present, every morning, I get to see my urine. It reminds me of when I was a kid and we stayed at my nanas, and because she only had an outside loo, we used to have to use under the bed chamber pots.
There is definitely some link to the episodes of cloudy urine, (which is almost like fresh orange juice, that leaves a white sediment in the bottle,) and orgasms. It only happens on 'orgasmic days' and never at any other time. As I said, it doesn't cause any problems, it's just weird. Perhaps, as you lads have suggested, it's something to do with my, 'til now unknown, Cowpers gland.
Anyway enough of my toilet problems. I hope I haven't put anyone off their tea. 😁