Hi and welcome to the club no-one particularly wants to join!
Sounds like the problem is very localised and has been caught at a very early stage. The uncertainty will be removed when you have the actual biopsy and your oncology team know what they're dealing with, but it most certainly is NOT a death sentence.
Treatment options have advanced so much in the past 5 years alone (let alone 10 years), you have every chance of having this successfully treated. Do try and stay positive and not to worry too much: hopefully you'll find (as so many of us here have) that the NHS shows its very best side during your treatment.
If I may, I'll pass on some words that my consultant told me at the time of my diagnosis, when I was scared and wondering what (if anything) the future held. He said: "Don't make your life all about the cancer. Remember to live and do the things you enjoy too."
All the very best to you.