Hi, yes the fact your dad had PCa is a factor in your risk assessment, but like everyone else has said there is quite a way to go before you need to start worrying.
The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy had a cover with the words "Don't panic" in large friendly letters printed on the front. I think this forum should have the same cover.
You will waste a lot of emotional energy and lose sleep over something that may turn out to be nothing. Please try to take things easy, treat each stage as a hurdle to be cleared before the ultimate biopsy which will tell you one way or another.
That's why a routine testing program is a no go at the moment, as soon as you mention cancer pathway etc men set their hair on fire and there is no support available to calm their fears, other than here. Some clinicians advocate changing the name of the early condition to stop the panic, but that seems like calling rocket explosion an unscheduled disassembly just to make a better headline, the rocket is still in bits.
I went through the same feelings and fears as you just last year, and when I got the all clear after my biopsy I was drained. Try to stay calm and just wait it out.
Best regards Mick