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Post oncoloy appoinment and feeling overwhelmed

Posted 21 Jan 2025 at 19:17

Hi all,

I've posted before, sorry for posting again. I had my oncology appointment yesterday, the consultant went through different treatment options, radiotherapy, brachotherapy and surgery. As I have Crohns disease radiotherapy is not an option as it would increase my chances of bowel cancer considerably. It seems like my best option is surgery. I have an appointment with a surgeon on the 5th of February and I also need a PET scan on the 6th. I felt fine leaving the appointment, however, today i feel like my world has caved it. Bit dramatic increase know.

I've been quite emotional, down, thinking lots about the side effects, the potential effect its going to have long term. It's been a tough day trying to process things.

Just wondered if anyone else felt like this and tips to manage it

Posted 21 Jan 2025 at 22:04

I have been on this journey for just over 11 years. I have had surgery and three more salvage treatments plus a short bit of hormone treatment. On Thursday I have a consultation about another possible treatment, if that is refused I will be looking at another treatment. I am not worried about the outcome if the next meeting, i just ask what the next plan is. 

I have dealt with all the side effects that came my way and make best of what I have got.

As one of the inspiration member on here say ,if life give you lemons make lemonade.

Best of wishes for the future take the best option on offer and don't worry it won't change anything.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 21 Jan 2025 at 23:59

Hi Ian,

We ALL know what you’re going through, trust me! We understand!

Once your treatment plan is in place I’m sue you will feel better. In the meantime be good to yourself, give yourself lots of treats and do nice things with your family. It won’t stop you worrying but will keep some normality in your life. And if you’re struggling seek help and support. I’m currently on a weeks holiday with 2 amazing friends from Maggies, one with PCa who had the Op, and the other had successful bowel cancer treatment….were having a blast!🤣🤣🤣

good luck with your treatment!


Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 05:13

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I've posted before, sorry for posting again

Hi Ian. You post as much as you want, mate. That's what we're here for. 

Being only 46 years old, you are much younger than most of us old codgers. You are bound to be anxious. I found diagnosis the most difficult time because you're having to deal with the shock of having the disease coupled with the uncertainty of what to do about it.

Once a treatment path has been decided, life becomes easier, because you can then focus on that treatment and recovery.

You'll be okay mate. 👍

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 05:53

Hi Ian

I was much the same after my consultant appointment, I came out feeling completely overwhelmed and a bit emotional. I called the the oncology nurses that afternoon and they rationalised things for me and chatted through things further with my wife, after a couple of days it all became clearer. I think the emotions had built up and reached their peak on that day. As others have said once you make a decision on the treatment path it becomes much easier and you just move forward with it. I’m now 3 weeks post op and pleased with my decision, I wish you all the best and keep posting if you need support 

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 16:48

Writing things down can put them into perspective and allow thoughts to clarify.  Perhaps you could write about your diagnosis and your feelings in your profile.

Posted 22 Jan 2025 at 19:54

No matter what sort and how aggressive, the damn word itself is devastating and could upside down our lives. We all go through the same dark tunnel terrified as what might be the end of it. There is first few days with great anxiety, then follow with few weeks of dazing, until the treatment starts. Gradually we calm down, and eventually we get use to it as if it is not there, though every now and then it burns our inside. The magnitude of anxiety and worriness differs mainly due to our own thinking. Do not make it harder than it is on yourself. It will be over sooner than you think. It wont be long before you are one other reader like us and hopefully one who wishes to help a new comer to feel less down and alone.

This is best place you could open your heart and talk with many ears for listening and knowledge to give you up to date experience and information you need and helping hand to take you through this hard times.

Take care

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