Transrectal sounds like a pain in the back side ?? I had 4 epidural injection in the perineum, and the metal plate was glued in place and then the 42 biopsies were taken, as everyone pointed out the click of the gun is the part were you just need to get out of the chair, all the staff except the consulatatnt were females aged between 17 and 20 I thought at the time as everyone said having your feet in the stirrups certainly make oyu think what our ladies sometimes goes through when having a D & C, I was under the knife 6 dauys after my biopsy and had the prostate removed, I did not thinlk for one minute the incontinece would be so bad, I was due for robotic surgery and because of covid I had to have laparoscopic, and maybe that contributed to very bad incontinence, so much so I dare not go out however savour to the front and I was fitted with an AMS 800 2 years later in 2024, in between that I had Kidney Cancer and had the kidney removed, all is well and my latest PSA 0.002, I agree with all the comments about good and bad proceedures I cannot for one second complain about anything under the knife within a week of the Biopsies and that after they lost them for 3 days but still got me in and got the job done I have since my proceedure spoken to lots of guys at my bowls and golf club and urged them to go for PSA tests, It is only my opinion that matter not a jot, I think it should be compusive for all men of adult age to be tested yearly, sorry if I have rattled on but like a lot of oyu I just done want guys to be dying because we cannot speak to one another about our best friend whatever you call him.