Update on how things are going since I lasted posted.
I’m at staging T3b N1 Mx.
Consultant advised HT RT was only option as the cancer was too advanced for surgery.
Had PSMA Pet scan to confirm that it had not travelled elsewhere in my body. The results came back OK relieved at that.
The HT treatment started Bicalutramide 50mg for 28 days and them injection of Triptorelin in the buttocks which would be repeated in 6 months.
Although the Pet Scan confirmed the pelvic lymph node was related to prostrate cancer
the higher lymph node in the abdomen was not.But an area of interest was noted which required a MRI Scan of whole spine . The result of MRI was OK
Now I was transferred to oncology meeting in January.
Oncologist recommends a second generation HT drug Abiraterone (not licensed in England but is in Scotland) which I had to sign for.
The drug was Abiraterone 500mg x2 and Prednisolone 5mg take this for 56 days prior to RT in late March early April probably 20 fractions.
Finding Abiraterone is causing blood pressure to go into hypertension (never had that before) so local GP when consulted gave me Amiodipine 5mg Oncologist was consulted about this prior to taking it .
HT causing other problems which are inconvenient to say the least the urgency to need to find a loo ,slowing down as I was quite an active person.ED old boy like a piece of play doh and at times taking some finding, and it’s not the cold either.
Can anybody say if they are experiencing similar problems?