Back in June 2023 I had a RP and had 6 months where PSA was <0.01 then in the subsequent quarters it rose to 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and the last one was 0.12, a doubling. Post RP when they had a look at the prostate they changed my grading from 3-4 to 4-3 with a positive margin so I was prepared for this happening. I was really hoping this inevitable climb would be a lot slower though. So once again we are back on this merry-go-round.
I'm seeing the Oncologist this week to discuss possible next steps and am not sure how to approach this or what I will be offered. I'm aware some trusts wait till the PSA has either reached 0.2 or 0.5 before I believe a PET PSMA is even offered. When I last spoke to the Uro-Oncology nurses they said 0.5 was the trigger in Worthing, Sussex.
I would appreciate any insights. I know without having the above scan we won't know where the cancer has gone to so I'm assuming this will dicatate what I will be offered. There is more info in my profile. But again any words of wisdom would be appreciated, many thanks.