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RARP and lymphadenectomy (PET PSMA clear)

Posted 01 Feb 2025 at 21:32

So we had our consultation post PET PSMA and were glad to hear that was all clear. 

My husband confirmed he wanted to do the operation rather than the radiotherapy and asked again if he could wait until summer as he is a teacher. I reminded him that he got his high PSA result (then 54) in summer last year so it would be nearly a whole year on from that and I was glad that this time the doctor quite firmly said she would not wait that long. She said one reason is that the PSA is very high (now 67) and that it is just not a good idea to keep waiting. 

She was also very reassuring that he probably could go back to work very soon after the surgery. 

She said the surgical department would be in touch to coordinate an appointment. I really hope he does not over-complicate things by trying to have it during or just before the Easter hols. I mean of course I don't mind him having it in the hols but I don't want him to risk delaying things by making it difficult. 

I know it is his call. 


Posted 02 Feb 2025 at 09:37

Hi Fragen, 

With his PSA now at 67, I agree it's his call, but I wouldn't really want to be putting work before treatment. 

I think the doctor is right to be firm.

Good luck. 


Posted 02 Feb 2025 at 15:51


I wanted to share how we shared our information for my going into Surgery and would for the time being , be absolutely honest with them but don’t necessarily need to use the word cancer with them. As your 9 year old gets older and more years pass and your husband gets older and may need more treatment than if necessary you can get into more details, but can years later say, see I am still here. i know you want to be able to explain why your husband is in surgery and surgery’s today still often require an overnight stay. Using terms younger children understand is helpful. They have probably had friends get their tonsils out, get their appendix out. One can explain sometimes parts of your body stop working correctly but you don’t need them like your tonsils and appendix. As adults they have more organs that go bad that they can freely live without, gallbladder, wisdom teeth, spleen and the prostate. Your husband is having one of those removed like your friends get their tonsils and appendix out. 

Posted 02 Feb 2025 at 19:51

Macmillan do some really helpful advice on this subject of telling your children.

Talking to Children and Teenagers
(Unfortunately, Riprap, the teenager's forum which this refers to, is defunct.)

There's a free Macmillan book available from most hospital cancer centres, and the PDF is available here:

Talking to Children and Teenagers when an Adult has Cancer

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