I’ve always found that word terminal a bit strong for someone who is incurable. Someone who is incurable can live for many, many years. Taking another example diabetes is incurable but not terminal. We’re all terminal after all, we’re going to die sometime. We often have this discussion at Maggies group.
i it depends on what’s written in your husbands medical records. If it doesn’t say terminal then I would say he isn’t. Ask you’re GP for a copy of them.
I’m with AllClear as I found their online health questions very clear. I know quite a lot are with Insurewith….people seem to say it’s better to phone them and go through the details with them. Also Staysure. It’s so important that all the questions are answered correctly or your insurance might not be valid.
i can’t remember fully but I know AllClear ask ‘Has it spread to anywhere excluding the Seminal Veiscles(that’s me!)’ I think maybe they also say ‘and lymph nodes’. Why not try their online form and check?
Some people exclude Prostate cancer from their policies to get insurance. You could argue that you’re unlikely to have a serious problem on holiday with PCa unless you really are terminal.
Good luck and enjoy you holidays…it’s so important when going through this to have some fun!