I'm looking for direct recommendations by PM for a private consultant or clinic who can see me urgently, as the NHS here has basically failed me. I'm in the north of england but prepared to travel, Euston is only a few hours away by train.
I've had around four months with acute symptoms on and off, and one course of treatment (cipro) which was very poorly managed and appears to have failed as the symptoms came back around four weeks ago. TBH I've lost all confidence in my local Urology department and my GP is no bloody use either.
I'm terribly concerned that due to inadequte care this could (or has) turn into a chronic problem.
I'm getting really desperate now as the condition is really debilitating, and I'm the primary carer for my old mother who's getting more yonderly and due to cataracts can no longer drive or shop for herself.
Any advice or pointers to getting adequate care for this horrible condition ?
Andy McC