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PSA results & a jump

Posted 15 Feb 2025 at 16:42

Hi all, I have just had results back from a recent PSA test & the result was 3.23UG/L.

I am 56yrs of age & my dad died of prostate cancer so I have started to get checked yearly.

I was not too concerned but....I dug out my results from March last year & the PSA back then was 1.01UG/L

That seems like quite a jump. I have not spoken to the Dr/nurse as yet as only received the result yesterday (Fri),

Just wondering if this is still fine as it is below 4 or should I worry that it has jumped so much in 11mths?

Not sure if its related but my cholesterol level has also shot up (6.7 from 5.8).



Posted 15 Feb 2025 at 21:46

although I’m not medically trained, It does seem quite a rise in a year,  although there could be other reasons why it’s suddenly jumped. I’m Sure your GP will want to speak to you, but if they don’t I would follow up and request to speak to them.


Posted 16 Feb 2025 at 04:32

Hello mate.

I'm sorry to see that you have prostate concerns, but welcome to the forum.

As there is a family history of PCa you are right in getting PSA checks. Your PSA is still within normal range for a 56 year old. The rise from last year could be due to other ailments including non cancerous prostate conditions. 

I first had prostate problems when I was about your age and had a annual PSA checks for about a decade. They were all between 3 and 4. It was only when they reached  about  4.5 that I had an MRI and biopsy, which unfortunately showed I had PCa.

I'd be guided by medical advice and obviously continue to get tested. I know its easy to say, but try not to worry. Please keep us updated.

Best of luck.👍

Edited by member 16 Feb 2025 at 08:29  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 16 Feb 2025 at 17:57


Psa can rise a lot because of an inflamed prostate or similar which might be something of nothing.   

I might be wrong but I'd think they might give you another psa test say in 3 months and/or give you a digital examination(finger feel).  The figure of 1 seems quite low anyway.  You can only wait and see unfortunately.   All the best, Peter


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Posted 15 Feb 2025 at 21:46

although I’m not medically trained, It does seem quite a rise in a year,  although there could be other reasons why it’s suddenly jumped. I’m Sure your GP will want to speak to you, but if they don’t I would follow up and request to speak to them.


Posted 16 Feb 2025 at 04:32

Hello mate.

I'm sorry to see that you have prostate concerns, but welcome to the forum.

As there is a family history of PCa you are right in getting PSA checks. Your PSA is still within normal range for a 56 year old. The rise from last year could be due to other ailments including non cancerous prostate conditions. 

I first had prostate problems when I was about your age and had a annual PSA checks for about a decade. They were all between 3 and 4. It was only when they reached  about  4.5 that I had an MRI and biopsy, which unfortunately showed I had PCa.

I'd be guided by medical advice and obviously continue to get tested. I know its easy to say, but try not to worry. Please keep us updated.

Best of luck.👍

Edited by member 16 Feb 2025 at 08:29  | Reason: Additional text

Posted 16 Feb 2025 at 17:57


Psa can rise a lot because of an inflamed prostate or similar which might be something of nothing.   

I might be wrong but I'd think they might give you another psa test say in 3 months and/or give you a digital examination(finger feel).  The figure of 1 seems quite low anyway.  You can only wait and see unfortunately.   All the best, Peter


Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 14:18

Hi  I don't want to alarm you but I was diagnosed with prostate cancer before Christmas and it was removed 6 weeks ago. I am 68 and my PSA was .8 and has been since my TURP 15 years ago. PSA is an indicator not a diagnosis. The only accurate diagnosis is a biopsy. Even when they did a MRI it was still inconclusive. Hope your results comes back negative.

Posted 20 Mar 2025 at 16:55
Speak to your GP and ask a minimum get another test in 3 months.
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