Hi Folks- appreciate joining this but confess I am not great with technology…..it’s good to know of this community as I have no one I can talk to and the whole topic of Pca hugely raises my husband of 53 years anxiety levels….so, as before, I am keeping him positive and supported as best I can. This may be something, or nothing, apologies if it’s a long post. . He doesn’t know I am seeking your thoughts.
He was diagnosed randomly, by psa, symptomless, and suddenly, 01/2021, . As it was lockdown he had an MRI, biopsy, PET ( nuclear) scan I think it’s called, all fairly quickly. He was diagnosed by the end of the month, started on hormone tablets, then monthly hormone injections. 4 weeks radiotherapy mid 2021. I don’t have all the paperwork to hand but he was told the body scan was fine, cancer localised but just starting to eat at the edge of the capsule. Ever since his psa has been low. His last hormone injection was 08/2023. He got through it all but hormone treatment especially was not without side effects and some of these are lasting, such as physical changes to anatomy and function down below.
Now on self initiated 6 month follow up blood tests, his reading in 09/24 was 0.19. He recently, this month, had his annual GP check/blood screening, which is how he was originally alerted, and all his results were fine but his psa had jumped to 0.32 and his GP told him he is writing to the Consultant Oncologist to raise this jump. Husband, approaching 74, is due his next psa follow up test in March 25 anyway, which will happen. Co incidentally over the last 2 weeks or so husband has been troubled by the need to wee during the night every 2/3 hours. Unsure why GP is raising the psa jump? Could it be suspect? A reocurrence, perhaps in its early days? Linked to the nighttime frequency? What might happen next? Feeling privately concerned myself. Regards All.