Hello to all. My name is Dave and I am 60 years old.
I have had chronic prostatitis which has flared up several times over 20+ years and it is due to the most recent flare up that I decided to consult a Urologist just to check all was OK. Just as well I did as it turned out!
The MRI scan showed a couple of areas which could have been related to the prostatitis but the consultant recommended I had a biopsy just in case.
The result of that was Gleason 3+4=7 (worst 2mm), PSA 2.0, MRI PI-RAD 4 left PZ but in a nutshell, early stages cancer. The prostatitis symptoms were entirely unrelated to the cancer so you could say I was lucky to get it checked at this time!
Having seen both the urologist and oncologist, I decided on the surgery as I was advised that RT could actually make the prostatitis worse and then my further options would be limited. The MDT also recommended this as the best option for me and I might have the additional bonus of getting rid of the prostatitis (but no guarantees).
I had a robotic radical prostatectomy last Tuesday which the consultant seemed pleased with and had the Catheter removed yesterday after 6 days.
I have little or no leakage (which is great) but am getting hesitation and poor flow at present, which seems different to a lot of experiences I have read on this forum. Hoping that this is temporary, despite being infinitely preferable to the opposite side affect) but seeing consultant next Monday.
Wishing all on here well and it has been really helpful and informative to read the experiences of others 😊