I have an enlarged prostate 900cc and current PSA 12 and awaiting biopsy results. I want to be ready with questions even if it’s good news and all clear, because something is going on with my body that I think maybe chronic prostatitis.
for nearly all my adult life I’ve had periods of UTI symptoms, most of the time testing negative for a urine infection. In recent years though, i’ve had about 5 instances a year lasting around 6 weeks when my urinary symptoms become much worse ie 6 trips to the loo a night, only dribbling, still feeling full, stingy and uncomfortable after. At the same time the tip of the old man becomes uncomfortable, my perinium area is painful to sit on, i have to take a dump as soon as i have the urge and my minor tendon issues ( old ankle sprain, mcl knee ache, double wrist tendonitis, old hernia mesh site and hamstring) all seem to flare up. Most of the time when this happens i test negative for a UTI.
Does this sound like my enlarged prostate is prone to some kind of inflamatory infection such as prostatitis?