Hi all
I eventually plucked up the courage to post after lurking on this site for many months.
A quick overview and story.
I'm 51, had my bloods done on January, psa4.2, bloods redone in February psa5.4 ugh, doc sends me to the rapid prostate clinic appointment in April, dre and checkover the urologist says nothing sinister but we'll send you for a Mri anyway.
Mri in June and I'm told 4 weeks for the results, the phonecall comes and I'm told I'm pirads 5 and I'll need a biopsy to rule out cancer, my life imploded, it felt like the beach scene in saving private ryan. Biopsy in August and I get the results on October to say I'm Gleeson 3+4 but they're happy that's slow growing ( sorry I don't have any other data).
The urologist said .most men your age get the prostate out, I wasn't very keen on a prostatectomy having researched the potential post op struggles that some have so i talked to an oncologist and he referred me on to his colleague that does brachytherapy.
I met the brachytherapy oncologist in January, I asked him what he'd do (knowing the answer) and he said he'd have it out but that's my opinion he said ,no choice is wrong here.
Anyway long story short I had the brachytherapy yesterday and as Paul on here said pain / discomfort wise it's much the same as the biopsy, so far so good in the peeing department no problems there, and hopefully everything carries on well from here.
Thanks very much to all members on here , ye really give hope and help to us lurkers until we get the courage to post, if anyone has any questions feel free to shoot.
Thanks again.
Edited by member 27 Feb 2025 at 20:10
| Reason: Typo