6 months after successful surgery and now working on the ED in earnest. Have been put on Cialis 5mg/day. 1 week in and after the second day the leg aches started, though the tablets are having the desired results. Pretty bad at night so take some panadol to at least get to sleep. Question is do these side effects continue or do they subside over time as the body gets use to the drug?cheers
It's a possible side effect of Tadalafil (Cialis). It's because it's also a PDE11 inhibitor.
You could try taking it alternate days, or ask for the 2.5mg dose.
Thanks all, I’ll report back in a couple to weeks to see if there’s been any change
Well in my case the leg aches have gone away, on about day 10 so it’s worth persevering if this happens to you.
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