Hello all, I’m new to the community due to my recent diagnosis. I’ve looked at the community and I’m hoping some of you may be able to help with your experiences and advice in helping me choose my next treatment option.
The background -
I had a PSA of 21 and following the usual scans and biopsies I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer T3b, Gleason 5/4. It has spread to a vertebra, one lymph node, and possibly in my pelvis. I was put on standard ADT hormone therapy mid December. Currently trying to choose between -
- Enzolutamide - my main concern is the possible increased risk of bone thinning and muscle weakness including the heart. And if and when it stops working, the further treatment options are reduced, and then if chemotherapy is suggested I may not be as fit for it as I am now. I’m 70 by the way but other than this diagnosis, reasonably fit.
- Chemotherapy - a shorter sharp burst of treatment, possible side effects that may be hard. But ok with that, except worry about the risk of life threatening infections. The oncologist has advised I avoid crowds.
- Triplet therapy - only suggested after I asked. A message from the oncologist says it has more side effects, and a call with him is scheduled for this Thursday 6th.
Look forward to anything you can help with.