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Results from biopsy tomorrow

Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 14:24

My husband is receiving the results from his biopsy tomorrow, brought forward from next week, in person with the consultant which has got me worried.

He is 55 and had a PSA before Christmas which came back as 5. The GP repeated the test in January and it came back as 4.8 and he was referred for an MRI.

The MRI came back with a large prostrate, PSA density 0.06, a small area of shadow on one side of his prostrate, Pirads 3.

He has now had the biopsy and the consultant commented that he has moderate BPH and some urine retention.

They have brought the appointment forward to an in person one tomorrow rather than the phone call we were expecting next week, which could be good or bad. I am just feeling so worried as I was diagnosed out of the blue with breast cancer a year ago and it is bringing back all those horrible memories. Sorry to bang on and I know I just need to be calm and take everything as it comes but I am worrying.

i have been reading some of the conversations on here and everyone is so supportive and kind. 


Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 15:47


Try not to be be too worried (easy to say, I know). Biopsy results are normally delivered face to face, so I would have been surprised if you just got a phone call.

PIRADS 3 is reasonably low scoring, so there's a reasonable chance it is not cancer, but either way, once tomorrow is out of the way you will feel better. The waiting is awful, as we all know, but at least it is nearly over. Try and keep yourselves busy tonight, so as not to sit and dwell on it, and please come back and update us once you have his results. The best of luck for tomorrow!


Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 16:49

Thank you so much. Very kind of you to reply. We are going to watch Bridget Jones tonight, so may be a bit of laughing and crying! 

Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 17:11
PIRADS 3 is equivocal, it's not clear if cancer is present or not. Your husband's PSA levels are very low, only just over the threshold, and his PSA density at 0.06 is very low indeed (presumably he has a very large prostate, like me). So plenty of encouragement in these statistics, whatever the outcome.
Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 17:46

Thank you for replying. Apparently he does have a very large prostrate. We will see what tomorrow brings. 

Posted 06 Mar 2025 at 19:14

PSA is not high and taking into consideration that larger prostate (does not mean higher chances of cancer) causes higher PSA, then nothing to worry about PSA. Density is low and PIRADS 3. So, even little worry is too much. Please see 4/5 full of glass.

Edited by member 06 Mar 2025 at 19:21  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 07 Mar 2025 at 16:41

Sadly my husband has been diagnosed today with prostrate cancer. It is Gleason 7 (3 +4) grade 2. It is also multifocal which means he will need surgery. The consultant says he doesn’t need to make a decision immediately, could even wait 6 months but I think my hubby wants to get on with it asap. We are also seeing an oncologist to discuss radiotherapy but we think robotic surgery will be the best option for him. 
This isn’t the news we wanted today, especially as I had to have a mastectomy only a year ago but we are both in agreement that it is better to get everything out as soon as we can and then try and move on, both of us being cancer statistics. I can’t quite believe it! 

Just wondering how other men in their 50’s have coped with the operation? I know there will be lots of wise advice on this forum. Thank you so much. 


Posted 08 Mar 2025 at 09:31

Hi Fernie,

My wife and I are similar but both in our 40's. We both have had cancer and it is interesting being both the person with cancer and also the partner. I was fit and well when I had a prostatectomy and whilst i ended up needing salvage radiotherapy I don't regret it at all. Your husband would be considered on the young side and I don't doubt he would recover very well. Whether it was nerve sparing or not would have played a big role for me because of the increased risk of side effects. My history is on my profile.

Best of luck

Posted 08 Mar 2025 at 09:49

Hi Fernie.

 I'm sorry to hear that your husband's biopsy came back positive, and I'm sorry that both of you have cancer issues.

Your husband's cancer is low grade and prostate confined, and his PSA is relatively low. He should make a good recovery with whatever treatment he has. I believe surgery is usually the preferred option for younger men.

Please keep us updated and the best of luck to you both. 👍

Posted 08 Mar 2025 at 11:47

Hi dazed and confused, I am sorry that both your wife and you have had cancer diagnosed. Thank you for replying to my post and I hope you are both doing ok now? I just wanted to ask about what you said about it being nerve sparing or not…. Were they unable to get clear margins from a nerve sparing operation? I think they are hoping to do nerve sparing on my husband but I suppose it depends on where the cancer is and how close it is to the edge. Can they only see this when they are doing the operation?

How have you been since the salvage radiotherapy?


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