Second, third or even forth opinions will only cloud your decision making process, the statistics are what count.
Of the guys on AS, after 10 years nearly all will still be alive, as will those that have treatment.
If you opt to remain on AS ask yourself how will I cope mentally knowing the the cancer is still within me, albeit behaving itself and if you still don't feel comfortable with remaining on AS, you will know in your heart what to do.
Balance this against how will treatment affect me? You may be lucky and experience no side effects, on the other hand it could worse case scenario for 10 years.
Like I said at the beginning, many opinions will make decision making difficult and no amount of advice on here will help you with this, so as Loyd Grossman used to say "let's look at the evidence". Ten year stats show AS just as good as treatment outcome, treatment may come with side effects, opinions may confuse the issue.
For me this year will be the tenth anniversary of my Gleason 6 diagnosis following a HoLEP which came after several negative biopsies along with rising PSA over a 9 year "watchful waiting" period.
Although I was offered treatment upon diagnosis, I still opted for AS and my stable PSA (every 6 months) plus two MRIs satisfies me that I took the right decision. If and when my "pussycat" wakes up I have already made up my mind on what treatment I will have which is based upon how my comorbidities may be impacted by choosing the wrong treatment.
Last thing, my father died from not with PCa aged 98, so only 22 years to go.
Good luck with whichever option you choose.
Edited by member 07 Mar 2025 at 16:54
| Reason: typo
Roger |