Hi All
Im posting in here as I am struggling to get any form of answer elsewhere.
Im 34, and I have recently had two blood tests privately, to confirm testosterone levels, both tests have flagged as PSA raised, being 1.85 and 1.72 respectively.
I have been advised to speak to my GP, who to be honest, was most unhelpful and did not seem to know much about the topic, and even asked me what the range should be for my age. He has booked an urgent blood test, but the earliest date for this on NHS is 4 weeks away, with a further wait for results and then a follow up appointment. I imagine the blood test results will be similar to the two I’ve already had privately.
Can someone please give me some advice or at least peace of mind, as when I asked the doctor whether I should be worried, he didn’t fill me with any confidence. I am anxious, and I’m not sure a 5 week wait is going to help in any way at all.
My family history, for reference, on my fathers side, him and the majority of his family/siblings have all died of cancer, hence my concerns.
Thanks in advance