Hi Ade,
welcome! I know that sounds a strange thing to say to someone that’s just been diagnosed with PCa but you’ve had the courage to come on here and talk to like minded people who know what you’re going through…and that’s a major step in come to terms with cancer in IMHO.
Yes you’re at the ‘scary’ stage but it does get easier when you’re treatment plan is in place and you can get on with getting yourself prepared for treatment. As you are starting HT, get working on these muscles, hopefully you’re a fit person anyway but do lots of weight bearing exercises…for me and many others the worst side-effect is joint pain, so it’s important you keep exercising…and don’t stop when you’re going through RT!
You’re quite young, but there’s lots of men on here your age or younger and there’s lots of advice. I’m an old geezer and my son is long since left home, but it was still quite difficult to tell him. I took the approach just saying that yes, I’ve got cancer but I’m on a curative path and I’m going to fight like hell to beat it. Also told him to make sure HE gets tested as soon as he is eligible.
just do as many nice things as you can and give yourself lots of treats to keep your mind from wandering.
I wish you all the best on your journey.