Hi. I went to my GP after getting a positive on an Amazon home PSA test and came back with a PSA of 10.4. I was in Urology 2 days after that and I've already had an MRI with contrast (2 days after an MRI on my lumbar spine to see if I've aggravated an old injury there) and have now been called into the Urologist to "Discuss next steps". It's been about a week altogether.
I don't really want to discuss anything, just tell me I'm fine! The Urologist specifically said that if there was nothing to worry about I'd just get a phonecall or a text. But now they want me in next working day, effectively.
I'm at risk because my dad had PCa a few years ago, and my grandad had Lymphoma. I'm not going to pretend to be a paragon of health. I have Fibromyalgia, Type 2 Diabetes (which I do not control at all well), ASD, ADHD, Depression, anxiety, a surgically repaired broken spine, 2 dodgy knees, a dodgy shoulder, Diverticular disease, IBS... If I was a horse, they'd shoot me, is what I'm saying. But this just feels like a kick very close to the proverbials that I just don't need.
Stiff upper lip re-engaged, whine over.
TL/DR I'm too young, I'm scared, I could really do with one part of my body working right.