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Feeling Let Down!

Posted 24 Mar 2025 at 14:03

Hi Everyone,  I found this site a few months ago and I've found it very helpful.

My husband is 63 years old and he had his first PSA test in December and the result came back as 24.  He was referred for an MRI which was done in January.  After waiting over 5 weeks for results I called the helpline here and was given a number to call to ask if they can get some clarification as to his results. After about a week a Doctor called him to say there is an area of concern on the MRI and they would arrange for a biopsy but it was considered non urgent.  From what I've read on others experiences how can they say non urgent without having a biopsy result.  I realise the NHS is under considerable pressure but we are now heading for a 4 month wait for biopsies!!  Has anyone else experienced the same wait? 
Thank you for reading.

Posted 24 Mar 2025 at 17:00

Lesley, I would be ringing  the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) at your local hospital for some help, that seems far to long to wait. Has he been started on any medication ? I assume the result is 24 not 2.4.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 24 Mar 2025 at 18:27

Hi Chris, Thanks for the reply.   I have already called them when he hadn't heard anything back from his MRI to be told he is non urgent!!  Yes PSA of 24. He hasn't seen anyone so not started on any medication.

My husband got a call today to say they have arranged a biopsy appointment for 10th April, still a bit far off but relieved he now has this!


Posted 24 Mar 2025 at 18:51

Hi Lesley.

Try not to get into a panic at this stage, I had an abnormal MRI scan but my psa was much lower. Mine came out as non cancerous, but I still don't have any information about what is going on with me. I felt that as soon as they could say it wasn't cancer they could just get rid of me off their caseload.

The trust where I was treated were pretty quick to get me from initial psa test to biopsy. I'm not sure if they all try to hit the same target.

I think the length of time your husband is waiting is excessive based on my experience. 

Like you I worried that they can be so nonchalant, saying it's low priority. I'm pretty sure if we're them in the hotseat they'd be pushing to get tests done pronto.

What biopsy is he having? I had transrectal and although it was a bit undignified it wasn't painful at all.

We will all tell you the waiting is the worst bit and the NHS seem to be pretty poor at keeping people informed through this scary time. I got my letter to confirm my biopsy the day after I had it for example. 

Keep in touch.



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