Ozdes, it seems to me the second doctor is being more honest. Judging by all the people on this site who have reported their experience it is very rare to have rapid recovery of erectile function, even if those nerves are successfully preserved they take a serious battering during the operation and for the vast majority of patients it takes months for them to recover. Also I personally would grab the opportunity to have a surgeon who has the team to do the Neurosafe checks during the operation, pre-op scans and biopsies are not perfect guides and you don't want cancerous cells left behind to cause recurrence.
Success rates for continence are getting better, and it depends on the definition of continence, some studies define it as no more than one pad a day which doesn't match what most people think of as being continent. In the end all humans are different, and for some the inner sphincter (there are two) which can't be identified from scans or during the operation turns out to be in a position where it is damaged during removal of the prostate.