There was a post on the old site which listed several, indeed dozens of "Abbs".
Hopefully someone with greater technical knowledge than I can locate and duplicate/replicate it here for you and others?
However, in the meantime, I offer
TWOC = Trial With Out Catheter.
PULAH = Peeing Uncontrollably Like A Horse, normally experienced after TWOC commences.
TSHHTF The Excrement Has Hit The Fan.
PMSL = Pist Myself Laughing, or if you are recently TWOC then may be
PMAATTWCWTF = Pist Myself Anyway All The Time Without Control What The Duck.*
LOL = apparently originally meant Little Old Lady, now generally accepted as "Laughs Out Loud" or "Lots of Love"
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IME = In My Experience
t*** = Berk of the highest order.
HTH ( Hope This Helps)
Others may, hopefully, offer others for your education?
* Okay, I made this one up in a fit of indulgence.