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That was the week that was

Posted 16 Jun 2014 at 15:44

Thought I would share my last week with you all.Basically knew I was due for P.S.A  check and had nagging doubts,anyway had P.S.A test and was waiting for results.My urine flow has been bad for months if not years and I had got used to getting up every hour for a wee,unfortunately this time it decided to clamp up altogether and I sat on the toilet all night but to no avail,I was well and truly blocked and hadn't wee'd for about 14 hours and was feeling pretty groggy.My wife walked down to the surgery at about 8.15 am  and asked for a doctor to ring me,within half an hour he had rung and said I would need to go to hospital.(This was the bit I was dreading as I cannot walk very far and due to the medications I am extremely fat) Anyway the lovely people from St Johns ambulance  arrived and picked me up,I actually walked into the ambulance as I didn't think it was fair to expect them to lift me.When we arrived at hospital they wheeled me right into the Surgical Investigation Unit ,after that had a wheelchair to another department.This is where the fun began I am asked to lie down and they are going to fit a catheter ,first of all my large stomach got in the way then they found that my fourskin had shrunk making it difficult to insert the catheter anyway the top nurse managed to do it .To top it all my P.S.A has nearly trebled from 23 to 62 I am now waiting for another CT scan and then I believe my consultant is going to start me on abiraterone with any luck ,I have now decided to try and shift some weight but I think the steroids,mst,neurotin,indomethacin,amitriptyline which I take will have something to say about that. Imust say how nice everybody from the Doctors Surgery ,St Johns Ambulance through to the nurses at Musgrove Hospital have been

Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 07:48

Good morning Nevergiveup.
Just a welcome really as I notice that you have not had a response to your posting and I know how disappointing it can be not have that greeting. (Not on this site I might add)
You seem to be going through the mill don't you.
Hopefully somebody with more relevant experience will be along to offer support.
I know how good St. John are, although I worked for the rival lot for 12 years. http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-undecided.gif
Good luck and best wishes. Hang in there. Sandra

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 17:52
Hi Steve, you know what I am going to say. 14 HOURS??? What a classic example of male 'stick your head in the sand' behaviour!!! Hang your head in shame - it was never going to get better by itself and your wife must have been tearing her hair out. I would divorce you. Well of course, I wouldn't but I would be pretty mad that we had to get to crisis point and then some and I would now be expecting a grovelling promise that you had learnt your lesson.

On the other hand, I think it is human nature to hope that everything will just resolve, particularly when we are frightened or embarrassed or self-conscious. I hope that the professionals have all been sensitive rather than judgmental. One thing though, you might be kidding yourself about losing some weight .... Were you already extremely fat or has that come along with the HT? It might turn out to be very difficult to shift; would you be prepared to try swimming? Old Al swore that swimming got him out of his wheelchair and gave him a new zest for life, even considering the hormones he was on.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

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Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 07:48

Good morning Nevergiveup.
Just a welcome really as I notice that you have not had a response to your posting and I know how disappointing it can be not have that greeting. (Not on this site I might add)
You seem to be going through the mill don't you.
Hopefully somebody with more relevant experience will be along to offer support.
I know how good St. John are, although I worked for the rival lot for 12 years. http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-undecided.gif
Good luck and best wishes. Hang in there. Sandra

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 14:42
Thank you for your reply Sandra, I wrote the piece more of a way of showing what a state I had got myself in,not for sympathy after all you have to keep laughing don't you.Had another CT scan today and was picked up by another couple of kind ambulance ladies,I felt so sorry for them pushing me along , they were kindness itself. I really must try and lose this excessive weight.Looking at your profile you and your hubby have been through the mill so it is nice that you bothered to reply to my post.

Kind regards

Steve Curd.

Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 17:52
Hi Steve, you know what I am going to say. 14 HOURS??? What a classic example of male 'stick your head in the sand' behaviour!!! Hang your head in shame - it was never going to get better by itself and your wife must have been tearing her hair out. I would divorce you. Well of course, I wouldn't but I would be pretty mad that we had to get to crisis point and then some and I would now be expecting a grovelling promise that you had learnt your lesson.

On the other hand, I think it is human nature to hope that everything will just resolve, particularly when we are frightened or embarrassed or self-conscious. I hope that the professionals have all been sensitive rather than judgmental. One thing though, you might be kidding yourself about losing some weight .... Were you already extremely fat or has that come along with the HT? It might turn out to be very difficult to shift; would you be prepared to try swimming? Old Al swore that swimming got him out of his wheelchair and gave him a new zest for life, even considering the hormones he was on.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 Jun 2014 at 14:35
Hi Lyn,thankyou for your suggestions regarding my weight loss.I must admit that I was slightly overweight before treatment but I put most of the weight on after chemo when I suffered severe neuropathy pain which appeared to be linked to the chemo which by the way was a complete success ,the doctors said it was because my discs had crumbled and were pressing on my nerves.Whatever it was it kept me in bed for about 3 months because I had no pain whatsoever whilst laying down ,fortunately with my medication I can now get up and move about with the aid of my trusty walking sticks. Your suggestion of the swimming would have been a possibility but with my catheter at the moment I feel it is a no go. Anyhow I shall continue with my diet,I must admit with this catheter in place I am certainly passing plenty of fluids which will help.

Looking at your profile you and your relations have been through the mill and I wish you all the best.

Kind regard

Steve Curd

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