Hi, I don't really understand internet, and am completely confused by this web site, so if I'm doing something inappropriate please feel free to tell me so.
I was diagnosed in November 2012, and after some tests (including a radio-active scan) I was selected to enter a clinical trial using Hormone replacement therapy patches, called "Prostate Adenocarcinoma TransCutaneous Hormones". Initially I wore 4 patches, but after 6 months this was reduced to 3 patches. During that time my PSA (what ever it is) reduced from about 2300 to 50, or so. This has now decreased to zero point two. I can't remember what treatment I received before starting the patches, which happened about May 2013.
I understand that I also have a bone cancer (which is why I have been told that I have advanced prostate cancer) that makes lying in bed very uncomfortable after about 4 hours. I am on a pain killer called Co--codamol, (codeine + paracetamol) which wear off after that time.
That's all I want to say at present, is there anyone else using this site getting the same, or similar treatment?
Overall I feel quite well, and living OK. http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif. Regards, Dave169