Time for an update !
* My daily trips to the local hospital for radiotherapy started in mid-July (a few days after a second hormone jab). I was lucky that the hospital was less than 4 miles away, and I was able to cycle for most of my treatment (thankfully a very nice summer). One tip : opt for early sessions to avoid traffic (especially if you have a long drive) and give you the rest of the day.
* The radiotherapy was very straightforward, and was run very efficiently (5 patients per machine per hour). The waiting room even had free wifi, but most of the ~45 mins for each waiting period was spent chatting. The most inconvenient aspect was the combination of daily enema and getting the timing right with drinking water etc.
* Men would simply kick off their shoes and trousers and stride into the treatment room in their boxer shorts
* Perhaps because I was younger than most (51), but I didn't really suffer from fatigue. Some of my co-patients in their 70s really had problems, with naps in the afternoon and the weekend. I was getting up 1-2 a night to pee which disturbed my sleep a little.
* an early tip from a radiotherapist was to opt for a "low fibre diet" (or 1950s diet as my wife joked) - counter-intuitive from what one would think of as a cancer avoiding diet (avoid kale, and eat white bread) - but designed to be gentle to my poor intestines
* Indeed, my main side effect was an upset bowel functions (probably as much from the hormone treatment as anything), with some discomfort at times after going to the loo during the last few weeks onwards. I mentioned this to one of the radiotherapists, who was able to immediately order up cream to help.
* right at the end, a little blood after going to the loo (things were getting tender, esp with those wretched enemas), which lasted for a couple of weeks (I spoke to my GP, he felt that it was too be expected)
* Although we were warned that side effects might peak 1-2 weeks after the end of treatment, I didn't notice anything else and returned to commuting to the office
* a month after the end of treatment, things have pretty much returned to normal. Bowel movements still not exactly as normal - but not in any inconvenient way., but I feel in good shape
Next steps - meet with a nurse next week, and then the oncologist in December (both dates scheduled in the last week of radiotherapy)