Hi Alison Thankyou for all your kind words ,I'm glad you think sharing my husbands recovery from scc is encouraging I was hoping
That I can show there is a positive outcome to this situation we find ourselves in.
My husband Ray was diagnosed three half years ago with PC spread to bones but was told there's lots of treatments out there ,
We have always been a very positive couple and carried on running our own fish and chip shop which kept my husband focused and helped him physically, at this point his treatment was zoladex injections and a steriod once a day this was working great.
He started to complain about back pain and I could kick myself for not acting on my instincts I'd read all about scc .
We were booked to go to lanzarote with our grandson and I suppose I didn't want to spoil things as we were all looking forward to the trip as we love our hols,
With my concerns I rang the hospital and after a little chat we agreed we were seeing the oncologist straight after the hol so we would leave it at that,
On the day before we were to come home my husband started to lose his legs if you like no balance etc
How we got home I don't know we had four hour flight and he then drove home from the airport.
When we arrived home he was straight in hospital for three weeks and he made more than good progress I must add I'm a very bossy wife and have pushed him we gave excercises everyday and we are now four months on and today we gave been out and he only had a crutch he has had to learn to walk keep his balance amongst other things he was fully dependant on me when he came home from hospital,
He has done so well and I think keeping positive and just taking it day by day is the key.
We are half way there now with the chemo and he gas managed that very well no sickness or hair loss just very stiff legs which
Is worse sometimes than others. I hope this positive attitude helps as I know he can't be cured but we going to face all what is thrown at us the best we can ,we have just got him insured for holiday insurance as we are hoping to go away for Christmas
Kind regards sue.