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Bladder neck obstruction

Posted 08 Nov 2014 at 11:12




On my second bladder neck stretch, if you look back a few posts you will see I have had some issues. I found coping with the catheter a lot easier after the dilation than after the original op, you are a lot more mobile etc. Just watch out for the constipation after the op, I went straight for the laxatives second time. On the first dilatation the surgeon wanted the catheter out after 48 hours but due to resources it was about 7 days, will be 8days this time. Hopefully you should have a camera in there and the surgeon can have a good look round. They did find one of the hem o lok clips had migrated into my bladder possibly through the joint, it is rare 1 in 500 or so ,but well documented. if you search conversations for "bladder neck" you will find another guy who had a few dilatations before it was sorted. If this stretch does not work the surgeon  wants to cut into the scar tissue but this increases the risk of incontinence. Were there any issues when your catheters were removed, the surgeon suspects this could have damaged the joint. Hope all goes well.


Thanks Chris


Posted 08 Nov 2014 at 22:51

Hi Chris,

I don't have the complications you describe but ISC (intermittent self catherising) for me is much more a case of mind over matter. The thought of sticking a catheter up my penis was difficult. When I realised I would have to do it four times a day I decided I just needed to overcome the psychological resistance. It now takes me five minutes in total and most of that time is washing. My key tips are:

Stay relaxed, tensing can stop the flow of the catheter.
Wash thoroughly using both hand wash and the antibacterial gel. I wash before I start, after I have got the catheter ready and afterwards. Infection is the biggest worry.
Slide the catheter in, it should be very smooth until it meets the sphincter muscle where there is a little pain, push through it, it stops quickly.
When it goes inside the bladder, you can see the urine emerge and hold steady until it stops. It's magic!
Then simply slide out in a smooth movement.
Wash agin.
Job done.
Occasionally there is some blood on removal, this disappears in a couple of uses. If it does not report it to your uro.
Occasionally the catheter does not work, I have assumed the suction motion simple fails. I just remove, leave it for a while and if my bladder is evidently still full, repeat. I think the odd faulty catheter is inevitable. I have had two or three at most.
Do not re use any catheter.

Hope this helps. It's part of my daily routine now, usually three times a day.

Happy days!

Posted 09 Nov 2014 at 18:20


Thanks for the information.


Following bladder neck stretch I Had the catheter out on Tuesday 11th and did the obligatory few samples all without any issues. The nurse gave me instructions on intermittent self catheterisation. I had been told to do ISC twice a day but the surgeon had not left written instructions on how frequent or how long for, a follow up call came back with 3 times a week. Wednesday did my first solo ISC without any problems, as Paul says it sounds worse than it is. Continence still in tact, frequency and urgency getting better early morning visit 300ml in 15secs.

Once again a big thank you to Yorkhull (Paul) for all you info and help.




Edited by member 13 Nov 2014 at 22:04  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 22 Aug 2015 at 21:22


Last Thursday 20th Aug I went back to urology for third "routine" bladder neck stretch and possibly a cut into the scar tissue. I came round in the recovery room with an urgent need to pee, being given morphine and sensing a certain sense of urgency happening around me, there were repeated requests how much longer the radiographer was going to be. I was given a consent form to sign and the only thing I really remember was retention and the risk of a perforated bowel.

Any way the radiographer arrived, he started scanning the bladder I was given an ineffective local anaesthetic and something was pushed through my flesh above my penis and into the bladder. I had just had a pubic catheter inserted.

Back on the ward I found that the only thing coming out of my penis was blood and the urine was coming out of a pipe a few inches above my penis. 

A  couple of days later I am back at home using the tap on my catheter and still in retention, from Monday I have got to try and pass urine normally. The pubic catheter is to stop in for a few weeks so the camera can go in that way. The stretch as not a success and there was too much blood to see what was happening.

Based on your own experience I did consider leaving well alone but was told the flow could be improved and I was curious what was happening up there.

Thanks Chris


Posted 22 Aug 2015 at 22:15

Sorry to hear it's still not sorted Chris.

As you know I declined on the operating table. I've had two years so far and it doesn't seem to have got worse so fingers crossed.

I hope they can resolve it for you once and for all


Posted 22 Aug 2015 at 22:39

Sorry to hear you are having such trouble Chris, hope it gets sorted soon!

Posted 23 Aug 2015 at 10:26

I am really sorry to hear about this latest setback. I hope you recover quicky and find that despite the rather traumatic sounding experience, things have actually been improved.

My best to you and to D as well



Posted 23 Aug 2015 at 10:55

Wishing you a speedy recovery from the trauma of the op at least Chris and here's hoping the camera shows what's happening down there
All the best

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 Aug 2015 at 22:40

Hi Chris,

Just wanted to wish you all the best and hope things improve for you soon.

Good Luck for a speedy solution.



Posted 25 Aug 2015 at 22:41
Thanks for your support. Things went a bit further downhill today. I was told to try and pass water normally from yesterday but it was not happening. Today I started to pass urine normally, it stung like hell and there was a slight swelling of the penis. The swelling got progressively more and On the fourth occasion of passing urine I was in agony and had a very sizable erection. After a call to the GP she suggested going back to the using the super pubic catheter and she would get an urgent appointment with Urology. She suspects the uretha has been punctured and urine is going into the soft tissue.

I now have a leg bag and the penis had calmed down.

Thanks Chris

Posted 26 Aug 2015 at 15:56

Really sorry to hear of your problems Chris .hope it gets better very soon . Andy

Posted 26 Aug 2015 at 16:22

I missed this post somehow . Crikes it sounds awful friend and very painful indeed . I just hope you get great attention and get it sorted asap

Posted 26 Aug 2015 at 17:25

Hope you've had your urgent appointment Chris and that the problem has been resolved.

You're really going through it my friend.

Hope life improves for you shortly


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 26 Aug 2015 at 23:11

I do not think there is a quick fix solution to my problem. I spoke to my urology nurse this morning to tell her of my situation she spoke to my surgeon. The rupture/ hole/ damage to the urethra needs time to heal. I already had an appointment with urology for 8th September  to see my consultant / surgeon and we will talk in more detail. My surgeon rang me this morning and we talked through a plan, due to the healing time and holidays etc I will not be having any surgery until late September at the earliest.

Reading a previous post in this conversation I was reassured by Flyboy’s comments about having a super pubic catheter for six years, and even changing it himself. I would prefer to have one of Dick Bs puppies but such is life.

If anyone out there has had similar issues with a damaged urethra I would be pleased to hear their experience.

The swelling to the penis caused by the urine going into the soft tissue was very impressive but agony, I do not think I would recommend it for solving ED issues.

Thanks for all your messages and well wishes.

Thanks Chris

Posted 01 Sep 2015 at 12:46



I read with interest all of the various problems, some of you have responded on a seperate thread about problems my dad is having get blocked up all the time and needing to be flushed out. (He has s pubic catheter)

Is there a certain number of times you can flush, at the moment my mums flushes when he gets blocked but surely doing this before the event would help? 

He is seeing the Urologist next Tuesday and I want to go with him armed with a load of questions to ask about this continued blocking.

Have any of you got any advice or questions that I should be asking?


Many Thanks




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