Hi Sue,
Neil had weakness and backache pre-dating chemo. Very possible indicator the disease was going castrate resistant. Only when I paid for a second opinion the seriousness of his symptoms and scans were confirmed. His legs have got progressively weaker, and his walking is slow, but as Mo says, you dont know whether its the chemo, the HT or the disease making its presence felt or a bit of everything.
Thats why I'm now a stickler for pushing medics to investigate symptoms, you just cant assume anything with this damn disease. To give an example, our first onco accepted Neil telling him the backache was either postural or to do with the uteric stents he had had inserted and just assumed because his PSA was low, Neil was ok. Neil should have had repeat scans in January instead of his word just being take as what was happening was the correct interpretation, it wasn't !! Thats the beauty of this forum, hopefully by us pooling our experiences, it will alert people and maybe save some unnecessary grief !
Regards, Fiona.