Hi all
We saw our oncologist yesterday and despite the fact that no blood results were available (machine has broken down) we are set on a path towards chemo. Quick recap. Diagnosed Dec 2010, aged 61, Gleason 10, PSA 25 and spread. Usual HT, followed by Casodex (didn't work) and over a year on Stillbestrill.
We have been incredibly fortunate, at the outset we thought that time was very short but nearly four years on, we are fine and enjoying the fact that we have seen our two daughters married and the recent birth of our granddaughter, an epic event in our lives. How wonderfully lucky we are and I am eternally grateful to the treatments available.
So scans in two weeks then an oncology review a week later then, all being well, chemo before Xmas.
We discussed whether we should do abiraterone before chemo but doing chemo first was their recommendation (and our preferred choice) while John is well enough, with abiraterone or enzalutimide still in the arsenal for later. We also spoke about the PSA (doc thinks it's irrelevant in John's case as his PSA has always been low and she said that PSA does not directly relate to volume of disease).
All in all, we feel happy about how things are going, we have more time than we thought we would and things are good. I am still at work but hoping to be able to leave on redundancy (not yet agreed but fingers crossed). I'd like to spend time with my man and not slavi over a hot PC.
I hope this post gives some hope to those with G10s, it's so frightening but here is some prof that there can be life after such a horrible diagnosis.
With love
Allison xx